It has been a very busy week. This time last week, our house continued to be completely full. However, Whitney was packing and getting ready to move into her own flat. While Martin continues to job hunt and apply for jobs all over the world. As much as I complain about not having any time for "me", I dread the day when I have plenty of that time. As it got closer to moving day for Whitney, I found myself regularly staring down the corridor to the three bedroom doors that, presumably, will be empty very soon. Two were definites in that.
Whitney moved out last Friday, but Corbyn was not going to join her until Sunday. As everyone knows, moving is chaos and no place for a 2 year old. He always stays with his Dad on Friday nights and does not come home until early evening anyway, so that was lucky. Oddly, Whitney and I had a day of beauty planned for Saturday! This was booked weeks ago, long before she knew she would get the keys for the 15th. I got a deal through Living Social Deals for a hair cut, blow dry, nails, make up and eyelashes done at a beauty salon in Glasgow. Whitney and I took the train up and walked to the beauty salon, not too far from the station. It was a nice day, but I would not go back. They were terrific and obviously very talented in each of their fields, but they appeared to be using the same lipstick, mascara, etc for clients which put me off going back. (my cousin sells Mary Kay make up in the States, so I have watched how she keeps everything hygienic and this was not apparent with them.) I did like the way they cut my hair, I am growing it for a cancer charity and was very worried they would not listen, but they shaped it well and that was a relief!
We went to Yo Sushi for lunch, we both really love sushi, but neither can eat raw fish. My niece in Atlanta introduced me to sushi years ago and showed how it is not all raw fish. Since then, I have been really hooked!
Whitney was a bit short with me about silly things on the way home, which did really hurt my feelings as I felt it was completely undeserved. But my hysterical weeping reaction took us both by surprise. I actually cried, although inwardly so as not to mess up the make up (which was really, really difficult because I could have easily sobbed and howled the way I felt). It was way over the top and it took me a few hours to realize it was not her rudeness, which all mothers get from their daughters, but the fact Corbyn was moving out! Suddenly I was not going to see him everyday and know all of his experiences and facial expressions. The way he ate what he thought was a grape and turned out to be a black olive and the face that went with that relevation! All those things would not happen around me on a daily basis. And I was completely heartbroken. How can grandparents cope when their children move to Australia or a partnership breaks up and they are not even allowed to see their grandchildren? I know I am so lucky and ridiculous in the way I reacted.
Whitney had plans for Saturday night and it had been arranged a while ago that we would babysit. Which was very special as the time for our house to be Corbyn's home was coming to an end. He was really tired from being with his dad and went to bed easily and quietly. Very nice for him (and me!).
Saturday was Corbyn's actual last night here in his home, but he spent the night with us on Sunday, as he will every Sunday so I can take him to the childminder when Whitney goes to work. Again, we had a nice evening together. Alan and I played Playmobil boats with him, transferring a load of "coal" from one part of the ship to another with a big crane. Playmobil has always been the best, my kids loved it and Corbyn loves it. Although I wonder if it is actually my husband who loves it because he has collected a huge amount of it since Corbyn was born! (plus searching out the things we already had!)
On Monday, Corbyn and I drove to Karen's house, as usual. On the way, we pass two fields that had cows on them last Spring and Summer, but in Scotland, cows do not spend the winter outdoors, not sure about other places. The fields have been empty through the winter. On this day, suddenly, there was livestock in the field, but it was sheep. Corbyn was happy to see them, but they were not what we had been looking for!
As I dropped Corbyn off, the tears returned since I realized I was now a "normal" grandmother and might not see him for a week.
Then I got my life back! As much as I have suffered at the thought of being alone (if you can call living with 3 other adults being alone). How much I would miss Corbyn and all that emotional carry on. Life is so much easier with him not there. We don't have to tip toe around the house when he is sleeping, if I start something, I can leave it lying when I get up and leave the room. Freedom again! Not to say I do not miss him, but it is not the painful longing I expected.
This is Thursday morning and we decided it would be much easier for all if I just picked up both Whitney and Corbyn and took him to Karen's then dropped Whitney at work. As I pulled in front of their door, it opened, Corbyn ran out and said "Hello MawMaw"! I got a big hug and all is well with the world!
To top this off, the cows have returned and Corbyn was delighted as we drove to Karen's. He shouted "Hello Cows". Last year, he just mooed when he saw them, but he has the words now to greet them (and me) properly!
"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has." - Epictetus